
Farm Bureau Tech Provides Quality Training for Insurance Professionals

What We Do

Our insurance courses are taught by insurance experts online and in person at our headquarters in Ridgeland, Mississippi.

We provide both beginning and advanced courses in insurance adjusting, claims, underwriting, and management in order to provide a range of students the opportunity to return to their organizations much better equipped to succeed in our industry.

The Value of Farm Bureau Tech Training

What is the most important asset of a company? Its customers or employees? Without customers, there would be no need for employees. Without well-trained, highly motivated employees providing quality service, companies would have no customers.

At Farm Bureau Tech, we provide quality training to assist insurance industry personnel in reaching their goal of becoming insurance professionals.

As our industry matures, there are fewer but stronger competitors. As our society evolves, customer expectations and demands rise. As new laws and regulations affecting the insurance industry evolve, the need for qualified professionals in our companies has never been greater.

Invest in Training from Farm Bureau Tech

Explore our course options and our latest training schedule.